Why Choose Us?

Buy from Classy Groundcovers so your project can come out perfect.
  • "Top 30 out of 7000+ online gardening vendors" - As rated by the independent gardening resource Dave's Garden (details below).

  • precise delivery scheduling - You know (and can specify) the precise day of delivery.

  • fast & free shipping - The price in your cart reflects all quantity discounts and is a total quote for your project,

  • outstanding customer service - We do whatever we can to make sure you end up delighted with the products and the experience. "Top 30 out of 7000+ online gardening vendors" does not come easy (read below).

  • outstanding product quality - We take our time and grow superior products with great root systems (instead of overfertilizing to get large foliage at the expense of weak root systems). Read the uncensored product reviews on our site. Better yet: de-pot and shake the soil off one of our plants and compare what you see to the root system of some other retailer.

  • outstanding product packaging - We invest great effort and expense to ship your plants in premium wax-coated boxes that retain moisture and crush protection and have air holes for air circulation. Moist moss and/or newspaper (depending on the plant and form) are used for cushioning and moisture retention. We carefully strap pairs of boxes together so we can ship them as one package and further reduce costs to you. If UPS gorillas manage to damage your plants despite this, we will replace whatever is damaged.

This nursery has been one of the most highly-regarded for more than 30 years (between prehistoric and internet eras was a period some archeologists refer to as "mail/phone order"). We have evolved the production and delivery of groundcover products to what we consider an art form.

Once you have sampled Classy Groundcovers, you will agree that you should seek us out first for your gardening needs.
Fast, Free Shipping We ship swiftly (usually by the next day unless it is close to the weekend), and offer Free Shipping. Your plants never spend more than three days in transit, even if that means we have to ship them by air!
Excellent Service We get consistantly outstanding reviews on our products and services. Read the reviews on the product pages and testimonials from customers.

We are proud to be rated "Top 30" for more than ten years (of the more than 7000 online gardening vendors) by one of the internet's top gardening resources: Dave's Garden.
Precise Delivery We offer reliable delivery, not surprises. You can see when we will ship your order and how long delivery will take. You can even choose to specify the exact day of delivery when you checkout.

When you buy from Classy Groundcovers you get unparalled precision in scheduling so your project comes out perfect!
Buy from Classy Groundcovers with confidence that you will get top-quality products and service!


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