Stonecrop 'Variegatum' tray of 72 cells
Sedum kamtschaticum 'Variegatum' (AKA S. kamtschaticum f. variegatum, S. floriferum, Phedimus kamtschaticus, Variegated Orange Stonecrop, Russian Stonecrop)
Pronunciation: SEE-dum kam-CHAT-sah-ti-kum 'var-ee-AY-gah-tum'
Product: 100681
Product: 100681
1-9 flats of 72 cells: $213.84 ($2.97 per plant)
10+ flats: $203.15 per flat ($2.82 per plant)
1-9 flats of 72 cells: $213.84 ($2.97 per plant)
10+ flats: $203.15 per flat ($2.82 per plant)
In stock.
(minimum of 1) tray of 72 cells [ How many plants do I need? ] |